Library Job Properties

The Library Job Properties form serves as a template for new jobs. Some of the tabs on the Library Job Properties form hold basic settings that will require a default selection which will apply to all new jobs created from scratch. Time can be saved when utilizing Library Job Properties, because the data and settings you fill out will be automatically imported into a new job. Once imported, these settings can be changed at the job level if necessary.

It may be helpful to complete the following tabs / fields at the Library level:

  • Overview Tab Notes Field:  Filling out the Notes section at the Library level would be helpful for any instructions or reminders that you want to display on all projects’ Job Properties form. For example, “Always double check currency exchange rates”

  • Cover Sheet: The Cover Sheet form is used to describe the job in general terms to the reviewer. It is a part of the general information component of the job's data foundation.

    Cost Basis Tab:  Shift arrangements may or may not be standard across all projects, as well as wage rates and scales. The cost basis default rules should be established within the library

  • Fuel Cost Tab:  Entering a default fuel cost here will factor with the utilization of your equipment to be included in your equipment rates